
  • 28 settembre 2023

    Economy Talk

    L’azienda sostenibile. Investimenti, manager e innovazione per il futuro sostenibile delle imprese.

    Relatori: Stefano Pareglio - Presidente di Deloitte Climate & Sustainability - Professore Ordinario, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano; Prof. Franceso ViriliProf. Riccardo TorelliProf. Francesco Timpano.
    Modera: Fulvio Giuliani - Direttore del quotidiano La Ragione - giornalista, conduttore radiofonico e televisivo.

    Campus di Piacenza Via Emilia Parmense, 84 15:30 Scarica il programma
  • settembre 2023

    Presentazione volume

    Sustainable Transition of Meat and Cured Meat Supply Chain. A Transdisciplinary Approach

    Curato da Anna Maria FellegaraRiccardo Torelli e Andrea Caccialanza e pubblicato da Springer nella collana CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance.

    This edited volume provides an innovative perspective on the future of food systems. The contributors analyse relevant issues for a sustainable and responsible food consumption and cover fundamental steps for a broader approach to the sustainability of meat-based products. The book presents several issues and solutions to engage food firms in a measurable ecological transition. Topics discussed include not only the pedagogical perspective on sustainable food consumption, the evolution of (meat-based) food production systems and the animal welfare perspective, but also the adaptation of firm’s strategies to the sustainable transition, the effects of climate change on agri-food firms’ governance structures and the evolution of consumers perceptions on meat-based products and the role of CSR labels. 

    This book targets managers and entrepreneurs who work in the meat industry and are seeking to improve their socio-environmental performance and governance, accountants that works at the production of sustainability reports for food companies, researchers working at the cutting edge of the food and environmental fields, professionals working in the meat industry and researchers interested in the investigation of novelties in European food regulation.

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